Guidelines for Entry
2025 Telstra National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Awards
Larrakia Country - Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory
Video shot and edited by Native Bird Media and RickCreative 2024
Have an enquiry or need support with your entry?
Please contact the Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory if you need assistance regarding submission of the Entry Form or interpretive services. Key terms are explained in 15. Definitions at the end of this document.
Exhibitions Coordinator
Telephone: (08) 8996 4208 | Email: natsiaa@magnt.net.au
For further information and support, the following organisations for artists are available:
National Association for the Visual Arts
Taking place on Larrakia Country, the Telstra National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Awards (Telstra
NATSIAA) encourages entries from all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists from across the continent. The Awards were founded by the Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory (MAGNT) in 1984, and remain the longest running awards dedicated to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander art and artists. Since 1992, Telstra have been the principal partner. The 2025 Telstra NATSIAA marks the 42nd year that MAGNT has presented these annual awards and exhibition, and this year’s entrants, finalists and winners will shape another chapter of the Awards’ story.
Open to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists, Telstra NATSIAA is a non-acquisitive award that is free to enter and encourages artists to submit an artwork of their choice in one of the Award Categories. Telstra NATSIAA has no set theme, these Awards celebrate the validity and cultural diversity of contemporary Indigenous artistic expression in all its forms.
Telstra NATSIAA awards a total of $190,000 in prize money each year. The overall Telstra Art Award of $100,000 cash (excl. GST) is awarded to the artwork considered by the judges to be the most outstanding artwork in the exhibition.
The following Award Categories offer the Award recipient $15,000 (excl. GST) and are chosen by the judges:
Telstra General Painting Award
Telstra Bark Painting Award
Telstra Work on Paper Award
Wandjuk Marika Memorial 3D Award (sponsored by Telstra)
Telstra Multimedia Award
Telstra Emerging Artist Award
In addition to the above award categories is the Telstra People’s Choice Award, which is a non-monetary Award, chosen by popular vote. The People’s Choice Award will be open for voting for the duration of the exhibition.
See 15. Definitions to learn more about each Award Category.
An Artist is eligible to participate in Telstra NATSIAA if the individual or collective complies with the following conditions:
● The Artist/s identifies as an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person.
● The Artist/s can enter as an individual and/or as collective with other Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander artists.
● Members of the Telstra NATSIAA Selection Panel and Judging Panel are not eligible to enter the Awards, nor are Telstra and MAGNT employees and their immediate relatives.
● An Artist can apply as an individual, completing their Entry Form themselves and representing themselves in all Telstra NATSIAA matters. Telstra NATSIAA requires the Artist to be the primary contact and MAGNT will liaise with them directly. If required, MAGNT will provide Translator support at its own expense. Artists can also provide a secondary contact but if the secondary contact is an organisation or entity they must be a current Dealer Member of the Indigenous Art Code.
● An Artist can apply through an Agent who will complete the Entry Form on their behalf. The Artist has consented and selected their Agent to be the contact person in Telstra NATSIAA matters such as correspondence with MAGNT and Telstra. Where this Agent is an organisation or entity, the Agent must be a current Dealer Member of the Indigenous Art Code.
● The Artist must agree to the Declaration on the online Entry Form.
● Each Artist is permitted to submit two Artworks total into Telstra NATSIAA:
– one Artwork created solely by an individual Artist
– one Artwork created in collaboration with other Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Artists as a collective.
● An Artist must choose which Category their Artwork is entered into. An Artist can enter their individual and collaborative Artworks in any Category they are eligible for.
● In the case of Collaborative Artworks, the nature of the collaboration needs to be specified in the Entry Form. A Collaborative Artwork is only eligible if it is the work of two or more Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander artists and the work is their principal artistic vision and creative output. The details of each of the artists must be included in the online Entry Form including their name, place of residence, date of birth and language groups.
● Telstra NATSIAA accepts that some artists work with assistance or technical support to produce their work. This may be from an Indigenous or non-Indigenous Assistant. The Artist must confirm that any individual who has assisted an Artist, has done so under the Artist’s direction. Assistance must not alter or effect the Artist’s creative content or artistic intent. The Artist may provide details of any Assistant/s they wish to acknowledge or thank in the relevant part of the Entry Form - including a description of the type of assistance that was provided and confirming that any assistance was provided under the Artist’s direction.
● If an Artist chooses to list an Assistant/s, you must identify if the Assistant is to be acknowledged in the Telstra NATSIAA exhibition and catalogue caption. Telstra NATSIAA will not consider an Assistant as an Artist or as an active party within Telstra NATSIAA matters.
● If the Artist does not comply with any of the above eligibility requirements, the Artist will become ineligible.
Satisfying all Artist eligibility requirements above, the entered Artworks are eligible for selection in Telstra NATSIAA if the Artwork complies with all following criteria:
● The Artwork/s submitted are the original work of the Artist.
● Artworks must be the property of the Artist. Proof of ownership may be requested.
● The submitted Artwork must be the finished final Artwork and must not be altered or further worked on from the time of entry. The Artwork that arrives at MAGNT must be identical to the photograph attached in the Entry Form.
● The Artwork entered must be no bigger than (H) 300 x (W) 300 x (D) 300 cm. This must be the maximum overall measurement of the Artwork that is inclusive of all its pieces in its intended display configuration.
● Artworks must have been completed within the last twelve months prior to the close of entry date midnight ACST Sunday 2 March 2025.
● Artworks must be available for the entire duration of the exhibition.
● Artworks, including any editions, must not have been displayed or previously entered into an exhibition, award, competition or festival prior to entry into Telstra NATSIAA.
● Artworks, including any editions, must not be posted on social media, online or published in other media once entered into Telstra NATSIAA. Prior to entry there are no restrictions on posting and sharing images of the Artwork, however it is a requirement that posts should not refer to the Artwork being a potential entry for Telstra NATSIAA. If shortlisted as a Finalist, the Artwork must remain under the media embargo until Saturday 21 June 2025.
● Artworks are to arrive at MAGNT in good, clean, displayable and undamaged condition. Artworks received in a poor or damaged condition, that differ from the images and description of the Artwork included on the online Entry Form, may be excluded from the exhibition and will be returned to the Finalist at their expense. The description should state if deterioration, change or decay is in any way part of the essence of the Artwork.
● Where the Artwork embodies collective, inherited cultural expressions and knowledge that belong to a particular Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander community or language group, the Artist/s must confirm they are respecting cultural protocols, and are a Custodian or have the permission of the Custodians to use such cultural expressions or knowledge. The Artist can decide to complete a Notice of Custodial Interest in the Entry Form to communicate the wishes of Custodians in regard to the Artwork.
● If the Artwork does not comply with all eligibility requirements, the Artist and their Artwork will become ineligible for Telstra NATSIAA.
● The Artist/s selected as Finalists will be required to sign an Artist Agreement between the Artist and MAGNT. A copy of the Agreement will be available from MAGNT upon request.
● Artists chosen as Award Recipients will be required to sign an Award Recipient Agreement between the Artist and MAGNT. A copy of the Agreement will be available from MAGNT upon request.
● Award Recipients are encouraged to attend the Media Preview, Awards Ceremony and associated events on the Awards Ceremony weekend. In the event that an Award Recipient is unable to attend, they may send a representative. MAGNT will reimburse up to $2,000 (excl. GST) per Award Recipient to cover return travel to Darwin and 4 night’s accommodation upon receiving the associated tax invoices. MAGNT will further offer assistance for travel to and from airports and accommodation and between accommodation to MAGNT to attend the Telstra NATSIAA events.
The Artist or their Agent must enter a complete Entry Form before the Closing Date for Entries via the online form.
The form is available here
Entries for selection must include:
● Completed online Entry Form
● Agreement to the Declaration in the online Entry Form
● For Artworks, at least one and up to three high resolution JPG or TIFF images of the finished Artwork at 300dpi resolution and clearly labelled with the Artist’s name.
● For multimedia artworks that include moving image or video, entries should be a downloadable file submitted with a shared URL (web link) using OneDrive or Google Drive. Where relevant, a subtitled version of the entry must be provided by the Artist.
● High resolution digital portrait at 300dpi of the Artist to be used for promotional purposes.
● A one-page artist's CV attached electronically in Adobe PDF or Microsoft Word format.
● A one-page artist's biography attached electronically in Adobe PDF or Microsoft Word format.
● Brief artist’s statement of up to 100 words that will be used on the exhibition labels accompanying the Artwork in the exhibition and in the exhibition publication. This can be in any language the Artist chooses, provided that an English translation is attached in the Entry Form.
● Extended artist’s statement of up to 450 words providing judges and curators with further reference information supporting the artist’s approach to their art practice. This can be in any language the Artist chooses, provided that an English translation is attached in the Entry Form.
● Instructions for any special requirements needed for the installation or hanging of the entered Artwork.
● Clear indication of the orientation the Artwork is to be hung or other display requirements.
A complete Entry Form includes:
All fields of the Entry Form completed
The Artist has included a photograph of the entered Artwork
The Artist has included a portrait photograph of themselves
The Artist has included their CV and bio
All instructions needed to install and display the Artwork
It is essential that the information provided in the form is accurate and the photographs portray the submitted Artwork to its best advantage so that the Selection Panel are provided with the strongest documentation. These must be of high resolution, JPG OR TIFF of 300 dpi and moving images must be a downloadable file submitted with a shared URL (web link). Artworks should be well lit with bright or natural light to ensure the colours of the work are shown accurately. To help the Artwork look its best, centre the work in the photograph. Include shots from various angles and focused shots that highlight important details such as the texture of materials or fine mark-making that is integral to the Artwork and can only be seen in a detail shot.
Where an Artwork is made up of a number of pieces, please include the details of each piece in the online Entry Form. The display of the Artwork in the exhibition will replicate the layout presented in the submitted photographs.
Please ensure that you receive confirmation as a Finalist before you arrange delivery of your Artwork to MAGNT.
Once the Entry Form has been submitted for consideration by the Selection Panel no further additions or changes can be made to the Artwork. If any changes or additions are made, the Artwork will be considered ineligible.
Each year, a selection process is undertaken to choose the Finalists. Entry into the Telstra NATSIAA is highly competitive with over 200 entries received each year and around 60 artworks chosen for the exhibition.
All entries are carefully considered by the Selection Panel, which consists of three independent Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people with extensive expertise in arts and culture.
The Panel selects the Finalists from the information submitted in the Entry Form. All entries are carefully considered regarding eligibility. There may be instances where you are contacted regarding your eligibility or to clarify questions from the Selection Panel.
Once the Selection Panel has selected the Finalists to be included in the exhibition, all entrants will be notified of the status of their entry and whether it has or has not been selected for the Telstra NATSIAA exhibition. The decision of the Selection Panel is final and no further discussion or correspondence about the decision will be entered into. While the decision will not be discussed, there will be an opportunity for feedback if an Artist wishes to discuss their artistic practice or their experience of the entry process with MAGNT staff in a culturally safe environment as determined between MAGNT and the Artist.
An Artist’s Agreement will be forwarded to all Finalists. The Agreement will contain information about the exhibition, the exhibition process, key dates and deadlines including when the artworks are due to be delivered at MAGNT and a list of the Awards special events.
Notification to all entrants of Selection Panel decision by Thursday 27 March 2025.
Please contact MAGNT if you have not been notified of the status of your entry by this date.
MAGNT will make public the list of finalists within 4 weeks of notifying finalists.
If selected as a Finalist, the entered Artwork must be delivered to MAGNT by no later than Friday 24 April 2025
Bark paintings
Barks must be strapped and arrive with fixing or hanging systems ready to hang.
Multimedia artworks
This indicates the Artwork is or includes moving image or video. The Artwork's moving image or video components must be submitted as a downloadable file through a shared URL (web link) using OneDrive or Google Drive and include a copy of the software required for installation. Please check to ensure that you enable the settings for file downloading and the ‘share via link’ setting is also enabled.
Where relevant, a subtitled version of the Artwork must be provided by the Artist. Technical requirements, software licences and installation and operating instructions are to be included in the Entry Form. Provisions need to be made by the Artist or their Agent to supply any specialised equipment that is required for the Artwork should MAGNT be unable to supply.
Artworks on canvas and linen
All canvases must be stretched and ready to hang prior to delivery to MAGNT. Please ensure all materials are completely dry prior to transporting. If using bubble wrap please ensure bubbles are facing outward to prevent the bubbles causing indentations.
Earth pigments
Reasonable care should be taken when packing artworks that employ earth pigments. Use materials such as glassine against the Artwork to reduce pigment loss before adding other packing materials.
Framed artworks
Framed artworks are to be delivered using perspex or acrylic rather than glass to prevent damage to the artwork should breakage occur. Appropriate fixing systems to enable installation need to be attached to the frame.
Unframed artworks
Unframed artworks should be accompanied with appropriate display systems that are supplied with the artwork.
Three dimensional artworks
Organic e.g. hollow logs and wood sculptures - Artworks made of organic materials including wood should be packaged in several layers of absorbent material before adding protective cardboard and bubble wrap to reduce moisture buildup and potential mould growth. If using bubble wrap please ensure the bubbles are facing outwards. Examples of appropriate breathable materials include Evolution® or cotton sheets and towels. It is also recommended to avoid the excessive use of packaging tape.
Inorganic e.g. ceramics, glass – ensure the work is well padded. Double box the work ensuring smaller/inner box is well supported inside the larger/outer box.
Ensure the Artwork includes a hanging system that is suitable for the size and weight of the artwork.
Please contact MAGNT if you would like further information on preparing Artworks for transport.
The Finalists will be required to organise the delivery and collection of their artwork to MAGNT at their cost, including insurance and packing and freighting arrangements to a standard that ensures its safety.
The choice of freighting company is at the discretion of the Finalist and should be fully investigated prior to booking the transport to ensure it is appropriate for the particular artwork. Please remember that Darwin has a tropical climate. Temperatures and humidity can be extreme and damaging to artworks if they are left exposed to outside elements for any length of time.
Where possible, artworks should be packaged in a way so the packing materials can be reused for the return delivery of the artwork. Should an artwork require any specialist packaging or additional crating for return delivery, MAGNT will soft pack the artwork and liaise with the Artist or their Agent and third party for collection.
● The artworks must arrive framed, strapped or stretched with the necessary hanging or installation systems attached, ready to hang or install.
● For multimedia artworks, Artists need to be able to provide any specialised equipment including software and hardware if it is beyond what the Museum can provide.
● If artworks are transported rolled and then framed by Darwin based framers, please instruct the framer to include the necessary attachments or hanging systems.
● Any special instructions needed to hang or install the artwork must be provided.
● Please indicate the orientation for the display of the artwork by writing “TOP” on the back.
● Where an artwork is made up of a number of pieces please identify each piece by including a plan or a numbering system.
Upon arrival at MAGNT, all Artworks will be:
● Condition checked. Finalists will be advised if there is damage or any issues with display.
● Insect pest inspected. Artworks may require an on-site non-toxic fumigation treatment, either freezing or low oxygen environment. This is for Artwork care and to ensure insect pests are not brought into MAGNT.
Each Finalist’s Artwork will be photographed by MAGNT for the exhibition catalogue and media collateral. The Artworks will be held in MAGNT secure storage until ready to be installed in the gallery for the 2025 Telstra NATSIAA exhibition.
In the final months of the exhibition MAGNT will communicate with the Finalist via the email address supplied in the online Entry Form requesting details for the dispatch of the Artwork. MAGNT will issue a Dispatch Form that needs to be completed within a strict deadline with information regarding the return or forwarding destination of the Artwork.
MAGNT reserves the right to dispose of any artwork that is left unclaimed for six months after the exhibition closes.
The insurance of Artworks whilst in transit is the responsibility of the Artist or their nominated Agent. Whilst in MAGNT’s care, Artworks will be covered by MAGNT from the date they arrive in the building until the date they are dispatched.
In the case of the Artwork being sold, insurance becomes the responsibility of the new owner from the time the Artwork leaves MAGNT.
The exhibition of the selected Finalists’ Artworks will be presented on Larrakia Country, at MAGNT from Saturday 21 June 2025. The judging panel will review the Finalists’ Artworks in the gallery upon completion of the installation of the exhibition.
The Consignment Period of the Artwork is from the date the Artwork is delivered at MAGNT between the dates set out in 1. Key Dates to the last day for dispatch of the Artwork again set out in 1. Key Dates.
MAGNT will launch and display the exhibition as per the dates set out in 1. Key Dates
MAGNT may at any time, acting reasonably and upon giving notice to the Artist or their nominated Agent, cancel the Exhibition or shorten or extend the length of the Exhibition or alter the opening and/or closing dates of the Exhibition.
MAGNT reserves the right to negotiate with the Artist about display options for their Artwork.
Judging of the exhibition will take place Thursday 19 – Friday 20 June 2025 and the Award recipients will be notified under embargo by Friday 18 July. MAGNT will telephone the Award recipients and follow up with written confirmation via the Primary Email address supplied in the online Entry Form.
The Award recipients will be made public for the first time as part of the Awards Ceremony on Friday 8 August 2025. Award recipients will receive their Awards as part of the Awards Ceremony and will be invited to respond with a few words. Award recipients will also be asked to pre-record a brief video segment for promotional purposes prior to the Awards Ceremony.
To learn more about previous years, visit www.magnt.net.au/natsiaa
Judging is the final process that takes place in the gallery in the weeks leading up to the Awards Ceremony. The judging panel comprises three Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with knowledge and experience of contemporary visual arts and are independent from MAGNT. These judges are appointed on an annual basis. The judges consider the artworks entered into each category and read through the information and extended artist’s statements supporting their artwork and art practice.
The Award recipients will be notified prior to the Awards Ceremony and will be issued with an Award Recipient Agreement that will outline travel and accommodation support for attending the Artist Welcome, Awards Ceremony and associated events including Artist Talks. The judges' decisions are final and no correspondence will be entered into.
In the event of further COVID-19 disruptions these procedures are subject to change.
Telstra NATSIAA is a non-acquisitive Award.
MAGNT must be granted the first right to acquire the Artwork at the price listed in the submission. MAGNT will advise the Artist if they are to acquire the Artwork Thursday 7 August 2025.
It is important to consider the full cost of the Artwork inclusive of framing, stretching, strapping and the freight costs to and from MAGNT. MAGNT will request a Tax Invoice and payment will be made within 30 days upon receipt of a Tax Invoice.
All Artworks entered into the Awards must be available for acquisition by MAGNT, and not pre-sold prior to the Awards Ceremony on Friday 8 August 2025. If the Artwork is not acquired by MAGNT it will be available for public purchase from Saturday 9 August. Negotiation of Artwork sales is between the Artist, or their agreed Agent, and the potential buyer. To facilitate this the Artist’s or their agreed Agent’s website will be listed in the exhibition publication and potentially on the virtual gallery or MAGNT website.
Please carefully consider the sale price as it will not be possible to alter the price after close of entries on Sunday 2 March 2025.
When acquiring a multimedia work, a physical copy with a record of the edition and authenticity will be required.
The winners of the 2025 Telstra NATSIAA will be announced on Friday, 8 August 2025 at MAGNT.
All Finalists and their guests are invited to travel to Darwin and attend the Artist Welcome, Award Ceremony and associated events including Artist Talks. Award recipients' travel and accommodation in Darwin will be supported by MAGNT through the reimbursement of expenses up to the value of $2,000 (GST exc.). Reimbursement will be paid upon receiving the associated tax invoices. MAGNT will assist with travel to and from airports, accommodation, and Telstra NATSIAA events at MAGNT.
Under the terms of the Artist Agreement, all Finalists would be required to give MAGNT permission for the Artist to be photographed, audio recorded, live streamed or filmed by MAGNT in relation to the 2025 Telstra NATSIAA Award Ceremony and related events, in accordance with the terms of a Talent Release comprised within the Artist Agreement.
MAGNT (and its principal partner Telstra and Other Parties) will always attribute the Artist as the author of the Artwork. Where MAGNT has reason to believe the information provided in the Entry Form is incorrect, or no longer the correct way to refer to an Artist, MAGNT will consult with the Artist or their Agent regarding the correct details.
MAGNT (and its principal partner Telstra and Other Parties) will respect the Artist’s moral right of integrity and will reproduce the Artwork in full and without any changes except for reproducing less than the full Artwork where space is limited or where MAGNT has sought prior approval in writing from the Artist or their nominated Agent for the change.
All Artists retain copyright in their Artwork.
Finalists grant MAGNT as Telstra NATSIAA (and its principal partner Telstra and Other Parties) a fee-free, non-commercial, non-exclusive licence for 2 years to reproduce the Artwork in material form, to photograph, publish and/or communicate it to the public, for the following Telstra NATSIAA-related purposes: marketing, publicity, educational and publication uses for the 2025 Telstra NATSIAA, its exhibition, the exhibition publication (sold on a cost recovery basis only), virtual gallery, and associated Awards events, including but not limited to promotional posters and brochures, electronic/digital posts and live streaming, broadcasting and print media, and destination marketing. Where MAGNT shares images of Artworks with third parties for publicity and promotion of the Telstra NATSIAA exhibition it will provide full artist credit lines that acknowledge the Artist and their representing Agent and make it a condition of image supply that they be accompanied by the credit lines and Notice of Custodial Interest.
Finalists grant MAGNT as Telstra NATSIAA a fee-free, non-commercial, non-exclusive, perpetual licence to use the Artwork for its archival purposes.
Non-commercial photography within the exhibition will be allowed unless specified by the Artist at the time of selection as a Finalist and the signing of their Artist Agreement. MAGNT will support this by adding a label beside any Artwork not to be photographed in the exhibition.
If an Artwork includes Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property (ICIP) MAGNT as Telstra NATSIAA (and its principal partner Telstra and Other Parties) will acknowledge the language group or community with an appropriate Notice of Custodial Interest to be agreed with the Artist at the time of selection as a Finalist and the signing of their Artist Agreement.
MAGNT recognises and expects the Artist to recognise that:
Indigenous communities are the Custodians of their ICIP and have an interest in protecting their ICIP from exploitation contrary to their customary laws.
Any elements of, or materials comprised in, the Artwork which have been made or managed under communal protocols or customary laws relating to ICIP must only deal with such elements or materials in accordance with any such communal protocols or customary law.
They must respect and act in accordance with the Protocols for producing art involving ICIP issued by Creative Australia from time to time.
They must not use or refer to the Artwork in a context that might be considered by any community identified in the Notice of Custodial Interest to be inappropriate, derogatory, degrading or offensive. The rights and obligations of MAGNT (and its principal partner Telstra and Other Parties) and the Artist are subject to the requirements set out above. Nothing in these Guidelines transfers or excludes any applicable cultural rights in favour of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people that may be implemented under Australian law.
If there is a dispute between MAGNT and the Artist (each referred to as ‘a party’ in this section) as to any matter arising out of the Entry Process or the Artist Agreement, any party may issue a written notice of dispute (Dispute Notice) to the other party. Following receipt of the Dispute Notice, the recipient and the sender must endeavour to resolve the Dispute in good faith.
Within 7 days of the recipient receiving the Dispute Notice, the parties must make best efforts to agree on a dispute resolution process, being either mediation or binding expert determination.
If the parties cannot agree on a dispute resolution process within 7 days, the parties must participate in mediation.
In the event that the parties are unable to agree on an expert or a mediator to conduct a dispute resolution process for the Dispute, the parties agree to the appointment of an expert or mediator (as the case may be) by the President for the time being of the Law Society of the Northern Territory.
The parties agree that the dispute resolution process adopted above will be conducted in accordance with the procedure chosen by the relevant expert or mediator appointed to conduct the dispute resolution process.
The parties are to bear the costs of such a determination equally.
The parties must continue to perform their respective obligations under this agreement despite the existence of a Dispute.
For the avoidance of doubt, this disputes section does not apply to decisions made by the selection panel on the shortlist of Finalists or the judges on the Award recipients. These decisions are final. However, as indicated in Section 6, there will be an opportunity for feedback to be shared with MAGNT.
MAGNT will not accept false or misleading representations, deceptive conduct or conduct that is likely to mislead or deceive in connection with an Artwork. Artists found to be misrepresenting themselves or their Artwork in any way will be deemed ineligible for Telstra NATSIAA.
Artists or Agents found to be involved in any conduct or activity which, in the opinion of MAGNT, harms or may harm the reputation or name of MAGNT or its sponsors, or which offends public sensibility, may be deemed ineligible from entering or continuing in Telstra NATSIAA.
MAGNT reserves the right to withdraw the Artwork from Telstra NATSIAA if concerns are raised that the Artwork is in breach of cultural protocols.
MAGNT reserves the right to withdraw the Artwork from Telstra NATSIAA if it was found to be ineligible under the 2025 Guidelines.
MAGNT reserves the right to revoke an Award from an Award Recipient found to be in breach of these conditions.
Agent is the person the Artist has consented and selected to represent them and be the contact person in Telstra NATSIAA matters such as correspondence with MAGNT and Telstra. This may be a family or community member or an art centre, cultural centre, language centre, keeping place, or commercial gallery who supports and represents the Artist. Where this Agent is an organisation or entity, the Agent must be a current Dealer Member of the Indigenous Art Code.
Artist is the Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander Artist or Artists who authored the Artwork submitted into Telstra NATSIAA.
Artwork is the Artwork submitted by the Artist/s and/or their Agent in the Entry Form. The Artist is the primary maker of the Artwork. The image or images of the Artwork submitted must be of the final artwork and no further alterations are allowed to be made to any aspect of the artwork after the entry form is submitted. Works in progress or indicative images or sketches of proposed artworks will not be considered and deemed ineligible.
Assistant is an individual working for and/or with an Artist to assist with the production of an Artwork. An Assistant may be an Indigenous or non-Indigenous individual. An Assistant must work under the Artist’s direction. An Assistant’s work may include (and is not limited to) material preparation, technical support, translation skills or cultural guidance. In the Entry Form, the Artist must complete all relevant fields if they wish to acknowledge or thank individuals for their assistance. Acknowledging assistance is not compulsory if it meets the Guidelines. It is a decision for each Artist to decide if they wish to acknowledge an Assistant. Telstra NATSIAA will only include an Assistant name/s according to the Artist’s wishes as stated on the Entry Form. Telstra NATSIAA will not consider the Assistant as an Artist or as an active party within Telstra NATSIAA matters.
Collaborative Artwork is only eligible if it is the work of two or more Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander artists and the work is their principal artistic vision and creative output. The details of each of the artists must be included in the online Entry Form including their name, place of residence, date of birth and language groups.
Cultural Protocols includes Customary Laws, Indigenous legal practices, systems, codes, statutes, ordinances, rules and protocols as applied in a collective context by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and communities. Telstra NATSIAA endorses Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property rights – the rights of Indigenous people to own and control their cultural heritage. Under copyright laws these rights are not always protected, and this is why a condition of entry is to confirm the Artwork was created with respect and in line with the relevant cultural protocols.
Finalist is an Artist whose work has been shortlisted by the Selection Panel to appear in the Telstra NATSIAA exhibition.
ICIP is the abbreviation for ‘Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property’ and refers to the rights that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have to protect their arts and culture.
Notice of Custodial Interest is a notice that may be attached to an Artwork to indicate the subject matter embodies collective, inherited cultural expressions and knowledge that belongs to a particular Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander community or language group. A Notice of Custodial Interest indicates that permission of the Custodians of that knowledge has been sought and given for specific uses of that knowledge, and alerts others that the Custodians should be contacted for any other use of the subject-matter. It also reminds anyone reading the Notice that the Custodians of the knowledge in the Artwork need to be respected and contacted if a person wants to use the Artwork and its associated knowledge in any way that has not been authorised by the Custodians. The Notice appears beside the Artwork on a label. When images of the Artwork are supplied for Telstra NATSIAA media and promotion, the credit line and Notice of Custodial Interest will always be attached.
Other Parties are those parties MAGNT or Telstra contract to help deliver the Telstra NATSIAA exhibition and associated events including the Artists’ Welcome, Opening and Awards Ceremony and Media Preview.
There are seven Award Categories in Telstra NATSIAA chosen by the judges and the Telstra People’s Choice
Award which is a non-monetary Award chosen by popular vote. An Artist is eligible to win more than one of the Awards if so chosen by the judges, and the Artwork satisfies all Conditions of Entry and the below Award definitions.
Telstra Art Award is awarded to the artwork that has been judged by the Panel as the most outstanding and best overall from the Finalists that year. The recipient of this Award receives $100,000 (excl. GST).
Telstra General Painting Award is for a work made with any paint on any supporting medium. This includes paints such as natural pigments, watercolours, acrylic paints, and oil paints. The recipient of this Award receives $15,000 (excl. GST).
Telstra Bark Painting Award is for any work that uses bark as the supporting medium. The bark can be of any shape and can be painted with natural and synthetic pigments as determined by the Artist. The recipient of this Award receives $15,000 (excl. GST).
Telstra Work on Paper Award is awarded to an outstanding artwork made with the medium of paper. Practices included in this category include photography, printmaking, painting, drawing and other practices that use paper as the primary supporting material. The recipient of this Award receives $15,000 (excl. GST).
Telstra Multimedia Award is an award for multidisciplinary works, digital works, video works, audio works and installations. The recipient of this Award receives $15,000 (excl. GST).
Wandjuk Marika Memorial 3D Award (sponsored by Telstra) is the award named after renowned Yolŋu leader and artist Wandjuk Marika (1927-1987). This Award is given to the most outstanding three dimensional artwork. The three dimensional works can be in any medium. This includes artworks and sculptures made from wood, fabric and recycled materials. The recipient of this Award receives $15,000 (excl. GST).
Telstra Emerging Artist Award is given to the best judged artwork by an artist working in any medium who is within their first 5 years of their art practice. In the case of Collaborative Artworks, the Artwork will only be eligible for this Award if all Artists who created the Artwork are emerging artists. The recipient of this Award receives $15,000 (excl. GST).
Telstra People's Choice Award is selected by public vote after the exhibition opens. Votes are cast by visitors who view the exhibition in person at MAGNT or virtually online. The recipient of this Award is publicly announced in the final weeks of the exhibition. The recipient of this Award receives an award trophy. There is no prize money attached to this Award.
2024 Telstra NATSIAA exhibition. Image Ian Hobbs