Cyclone Tracy
Death List
Cyclone Tracy hit Darwin in the early hours of Christmas Day, 25 December 1974 causing widespread destruction.
There has been significant variation in the number of deaths reported as an official death list was never compiled. The Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory has extensively researched fatalities in consultation with local stakeholders, determining that 66 people were killed.
The death total from Cyclone Tracy is commonly misquoted as 71 deaths. Thirty years after Cyclone Tracy, two vessels were still missing in Darwin Harbour. The MV Booya was located in October 2003 and the ferry Darwin Princess in May 2004. No human remains were found, but police divers retrieved some personal effects. In March 2005, the Northern Territory Coroner held an inquest into the people suspected to have died on board these vessels, declaring them deaths at sea. Following the inquest the death total was raised to 71, however five deaths are double counted, reducing the overall total to 66. Of these 45 died on land and 21 died at sea.