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MAGNT is raising $50,000 to mark the 50th anniversary of Cyclone Tracy

This year marks 50 years since Cyclone Tracy devastated Darwin and changed the face of our city forever.

The Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory has been the home of the Cyclone Tracy story for decades, holding space and memory for survivors.


MAGNT is planning a powerful refresh of our much-loved exhibition that will offer visitors an immersive experience, transporting them to a 1970s Darwin home, placing them in the heart of the weather bureau as the cyclone approached and showcasing Darwin's remarkable journey of response, rebuilding and resilience. To do all of this, we need your help.

All donations gratefully received, a little or a lot. All donations over $2 are tax deductible.

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Steve Andrews

Ted and Nola Bailey

Darren Bix

Nicholas Brennan

Elizabeth and Max Chalmers

Peter, Helen and Jacki Crafter

Bernard Davey

Priya Davey

Edwin and Kristy Edlund

The Alawa Mob

Michael, Cathy and Clara Fong

Dean Ganley

Gatfield Family

Dr Anne Gray AM

Martinique Haste

Jeremy Hemphill and Heather Boulden

John Hofmeyer, Lesley Booth and the Boyd Family

Jazz Jones

Majella Jones

Ian and Jill Kew

Anne Martin

In Memory of Mac Mather

The McSkimming Family

The Needham Family

Lisa Nolan

Chris Obst

Louise Partos

Jeff Pinkerton OAM and Marilyn Pinkerton

Digby and Harry Preece

Catherine Prince

Gay Richards

Rebekah Ronberg

Richard Ryan AO

Sunbuild Pty Ltd

Taylor Family

Julia Vidor

Jeff and Anna Weldon

Daniel Wong

Bob Woodward

Zeroni Family

John and Jane Ayers *

Suzana Bishop

Dennis, Troy, Dwight, Judy and Racheal Bradshaw

Maureen Burr

Elizabeth Cornford

Dr Vicki Krause and Dr Bart Currie

Paul Davey

Claire Doyle and Ashley Blenkinsop

Giulia, Alice and Enid Elliott-Hall

Jillian Finch

Wasan Forsyth

Kathy Gardenal and Poulson Family

Derek Gnauck

Brian Hammond

In Memory of Karsten Hauge

Henriette and Bert Heynen

Julie Howells

Louise Jones

Akiyo Keehne

Dawn Lawrie

The Hon Clare Martin AO

Sharon (Barnes) McAlear

Kerry Nancarrow

Prof Louise Maple-Brown and Simon Niblock

North West Constructions

Dr Joseph Paiva

Bev Phelts

Maria and Lucia Buccigrossi

Andrew and Wendy

Derek Pugh

Pam Robinson AM

Annie Rose

Katharine S

David Swift

Geoff Todd AM

Catherine Weber

Colin and Andrea Wicking

The Wood Family

Adam Worrall and Dr Ken Tee

Resy van Beek

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